Fidel Évora (Cape Verde, 1984) is a well-known name among art lovers. He conquered his place in art due to his talent and the painting technique that involves silkscreen. By telling a story, his works have a great impression even on the artist himself, who lends his memories and identity to his projects. A multidisciplinary artist, “Oxi dretu, manham mariádu”, “MASS MEDIA”, “Fla Mudjeris”, and “Fake Self-portrait 1989” are some of his most recent works, with a good reception from the public and art critics in general.
He is particularly interested in mixing silkscreen with painting, a technique he has developed in working with various languages and materials. These materials include paint, spray paint, plastic, and even improvised brushes, which is not surprising since he has much influence from urban art and graffiti. He learned early on to develop his own techniques and combine experiences to create the final projects that he presents to the public internationally.
In this interview, the artist confides to WAAU – World African Artists United who was his inspiration and the reason for entering the artistic world. He reveals what he is passionate about and intrigues him in urban art and graffiti, and what projects he is developing. Having studied Graphic Design and Motion Graphic, he was inspired by the Portuguese school and transposed it to his day-to-day life. Today he shares his knowledge by joining several workshops and seminars, such as the Iminente 2022 Festival. Besides perfecting his work, he seeks to innovate and introduce new subjects, a good example is music, which has driven and integrated new projects.
Translation and Subtitling: Érica Almeida Postiço