Galerie Cécile Fakhoury-Paris will host ‘Jungle Noire’, the solo exhibition of the artist Serigne Ibrahima Dieye from January 19 to February 25, 2023.
In the continuity of his last solo exhibition in Dakar, Métamorphoses ondulatoires, the Senegalese artist Serigne Ibrahima Dieye expands his research on one of the central themes of his work: The fascination and incomprehension of the violence inherent in our contemporary societies, whether West African or Western.
Inspired in particular by the trial of the ex-president of Guinea, Moussa Dadis Camara, the artist puts our societies under the microscope and analyzes human injustices at all scales. Between darkness and irony, we find in this first Parisian exhibition what makes the essence of the work of Serigne Ibrahima Dieye a clear-sighted look, without compromise and observation of violence without pathos, and approached in an almost poetic way through hybrid characters.
Source: Galerie Cécile Fakhoury-Paris