Foreign Agent presents works by Hamed Ouattara, Yinka Ilori, Jean Servais Somian, Bibi Seck, Ousmane Mbaye, Jomo Tariku, Didier Viodé and Maliza Kiasuwa, from 29 March to 2 April.
This exhibition, taking place in the twenty-fifth edition of the PAD Paris design and art fair, shows a selection of works by some of the leading designers and artists from Africa and the Diaspora. For the first time in its history, the French capital’s premier art fair dedicated to collectible design, will be featuring an exhibitor solely concentrating on contemporary productions from the African continent and its diaspora.
This is a furniture and a highly chromatic and multi-textured exhibition that awaits you at booth 20.
Foreign Agent is a contemporary art gallery based in Lausanne, Switzerland. They specialize in emerging and mid-career contemporary talent from Africa and the Diaspora – and beyond, exploring key contemporary narratives, marginalized identities and new critical perspectives on history.
Source: Foreign Agent.