MAGNIN-A gallery presents ‘Dakar, Dakar’ by Ndary Lo and Assane N’Doye

MAGNIN-A gallery presents 'Dakar, Dakar' by Ndary Lo and Assane N'Doye, on display until May 20.

MAGNIN-A gallery presents ‘Dakar, Dakar’ by Ndary Lo and Assane N’Doye, on display until May 20.

Ndary Lo was born in 1961, in Tivaouane, Senegal, and died in 2017. He is renowned as a highly talented sculptor whose reputation has spread well beyond the borders of his native country. Departing this life all too soon, he has left behind an assortment of willowy figures and many unanswered questions.

Assane N’Doye was born in 1952, also in Senegal, but in Dakar, and died in 2019. After studying at the School of Fine Arts in Dakar, the artist moved to France and attended the National School of Decorative Art, in Aubusson, where he completed his training by learning the techniques of tapestry.

Lo and N’Doye have in common to represent the body and its movement but express it radically differently. Lo’s rectilinear and monochrome sculptures, which illustrate direct and linear movement in a purity of form and materials, contrast with the colors and sensual undulations of N’Doye’s curvaceous bodies.

‘Dakar, Dakar’ confronts the long metal sculptures of Ndary Lo and the vibrant paintings of Assane N’Doye.

MAGNIN-A is a contemporary art gallery founded in 2009 in Paris by André Magnin and directed by Philippe Boutté, acknowledged experts in modern and contemporary African arts.

Source: MAGNIN-A.

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