Foreign Agent presents ‘Chasing Spirits,’ a group show curated by Roger Niyigena Karera, on display until July 8. The artists who take part in this group are Bunmi Agusto (Nigeria), Nene Mahlangu (South Africa), Eshinlokun Wasiu (Nigeria), and Yvanovitch Mbaya (Rep. of Congo).
Bunmi Agusto explores psychology and cultural theory through fantasy in her art. She combines various mediums to depict the inhabitants of a surreal realm called Within. These beings are hybrids, merging human form with elements tied to their identity and culture. Non-hybrid humans from her real life also enter Within, becoming cross-reality migrants in her imaginative world.
Nene Mahlangu’s recent work explores the complexity of the human experience by embracing both light and dark aspects. Water symbolizes this duality, revealing and concealing based on its characteristics. The women in her paintings represent the hidden parts of ourselves, symbolizing emotional and spiritual purification. By facing our inner selves, we can experience growth and transformation.
Eshinlokun Wasiu’s art explores the presence of shadows in our lives, symbolizing our existence and density. By exaggerating the positioning of silhouetted figures and combining them with tape braids, he creates a striking metaphor for our universal state of being. His work encourages a fearless and liberated way of living.
Yvanovitch Mbaya delves into his identity by engaging with Kongo traditions. Contemporary dance allows him to explore trance and ancestral connections. He incorporates coffee, charcoal powder, and Indian ink to depict his environment and identity. His art portrays the harmony and dedication between humans and their surroundings, reflecting Bantu cultural values.
‘Chasing Spirits’ explores a spiritual world of invisible forces and nature’s influence. It celebrates our connection as human beings to nature’s power through ritual actions and the use of organic elements. The artworks reflect the artists’ multicultural identities, personal mythologies, and exploration of selfhood shaped by collective and private histories.
Foreign Agent is a contemporary art gallery based in Lausanne, Switzerland. They specialize in emerging and mid-career contemporary talent from Africa and the Diaspora – and beyond, exploring key contemporary narratives, marginalized identities, and new critical perspectives on history.
Source: Foreign Agent.