Ed Cross is delighted to present ‘Burning, like the star that showed us to our love’, by Sola Olulode

Ed Cross is delighted to present 'Burning, like the star that showed us to our love', a solo show by Sola Olulode, on display until September 16th.

Ed Cross is delighted to present ‘Burning, like the star that showed us to our love’, a solo show by Sola Olulode, on display until September 16th.

Sola Olulode, born in 1996, a Nigerian artist based in South London, creates nuanced paintings celebrating black identity, womanhood, and non-binary people. Her paintings use gestural brushwork, indigo dye, wax, oil bar, and impasto, reflecting personal and collective experiences. Olulode’s trademark blues and yellows symbolize state of mind, energy, harmony, dance, meditation, joy, contemplation, love, and desire, revealing the complexity of identities within her communities.

‘Burning, like the star that showed us to our love’, featuring new works in yellow hues, unfolds like a storyboard, revisiting a couple’s various stages of their romance. Olulode’s commitment to portraying joy in her characters is relentless, with symbolic representations that are instinctively comprehensible. For example, bubbles surrounding the lovers symbolize serene ignorance, while a repeated sun motif signifies warmth, light, and love. The emotional resonance of ‘Burning’ is undeniable, making it an engrossing and captivating experience.

Ed Cross collaborates with artists from the African diaspora, aiming to promote conversations between practitioners and international audiences, amplifying historically silenced voices and fostering independent development.

Source: Ed Cross.

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