Ishola Akpo, a prominent artist from Benin, will be featured in the Venice Biennale, alongside other artists such as Romuald Hazoumé, Chloé Quenum, and Moufouli Bello, in the newly established Benin Pavilion.
The Republic of Benin marks its inaugural presence at the Venice Biennale with the introduction of its national Pavilion, poised to make a significant impact under the leadership of Nigerian curator Azu Nwagbogu.
The exhibition, ‘Everything Precious is Fragile,’ curated by Nwagbogu, aims to address global ecological issues through a lens that values fragility and resilience. The pavilion’s layout and artistic direction emphasize the interconnectedness of the artists’ works, reflecting on the importance of indigenous wisdom and the need for rematriation. This thematic exploration challenges historical injustices that have marginalized indigenous voices globally. Thus, it highlights the importance of returning to Mother Nature for a sustainable and equitable global existence.
Akpo is also launching his first artist’s book, “Agbara Women,” in partnership with the Zinsou Foundation and Sabrina Amrani. The book celebrates the legacy of African Queens and the vital roles of contemporary women in African cultures and societies. This presentation will also serve as a focal point for discussions on female empowerment and historical recognition during the Venice Biennale.
La Biennale di Venezia’s mission is to support cross-cultural exchange globally and to emphasize the role of art in defining our culture and our society.
Sources: Artlyst, Zinsou Foundation