About Us

WAAU, World African Artists United, is a team of creative professionals from different backgrounds, that have converged to create synergies between African and Afro-descendant artists and a privileged network of partners, so that these artists can have increased visibility and access to various prestigious institutions.

Our vision

Black art has always existed. It just hasn’t been looked for in the right places.

African Contemporary Art is not singular but plural, stereotypes and the ghettoization of this art field is prevalent within the artworld, and it is our vision that information is key in the dismantling of archaic views, hence the creation of a digital platform that can contribute to the enrichment of minds and practices being a necessary vehicle for change. Through extensive and thorough research, we are developing a catalogue, that demonstrates the diversity and prolificity that is characteristic to African Contemporary Art.

Our mission

To distinguish, support, and promote African and Afro-descendant artists.

WAAU’s mission is to distinguish, support and promote the internationalization and recognition of African and Afro-descendant artists, with the aim of contributing to a greater attention in what concerns the African cultural references and their relevance in the artistic creation and innovation. It is also the mission of this platform to stimulate new generations of African and Afro-descendant artists to value their cultural background in close articulation with other cultures, as well as assisting in their growth within the field of contemporary art.

Our team

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id dapibus quam. Nam tristique orci sit amet lorem congue, ac feugiat ipsum laoreet.

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

Advisory board

Aenean a leo vestibulum, mattis ipsum vel, placerat nisi. Aliquam id odio ut neque porttitor auctor. Proin sagittis, metus non accumsan rhoncus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id dapibus quam. Nam tristique orci sit amet lorem congue, ac feugiat ipsum laoreet.

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator

René Tavares
Art Curator


Media partners

Get in touch

Any question or proposal you want to share with WAAU — World African Artists United? Talk to us! 

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